Far Horizon Writers
The People Behind The Story
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This section is devoted to credits for previous chapters, and a brief information blurb about current writers.

Current Writers

Anya Talisan - author of this site and writer of many of the characters. I was the GM (Game Master) of the USS Isannah PBEM (play by e-mail) roleplaying group. Unfortunately I had to give up GMing due to real life concerns. But because of my attachment to my characters and this story, I decided to edit the background of our last mission and turn it into story form so if nothing else the memory of my characters could live on.

Jacob Matthew - creator of the Khall'ianen and co-writer of the current Far Horizons story. He came aboard the Isannah RPG in an unusual way, and his character was immediately introduced Jesa during a turbulent time in her life, creating a strange bond between them. We had met in the same group earlier, but under a different CO. So when he had wanted to sim with other people than he currently was working with, I jumped at the chance to have him aboard my ship.

We are currently working on chapter 16, which will probably become chapter 18 by the time I finish editing the chapters in between. (In fact, at this time of editing, it is Chapter 20 and nearly finished.) At that point in the story, the Khalli become the focal point of the intregue that has been building. But be patient, we will get to uploading it sooner or later. Settle in for the long haul, as each chapter is about 100 pages long, and yes I still call it a chapter.

~ A. Talisan

Chapter Credits
credits are given in the form of the the writer's contact name until I recieve permission to place their full name (with the correct spelling) on this site. If they are not on this list, assume them to be non-playing characters created for use in the moment, or converted minor characters who were more background than having a part to play in the story.

Chapter 1
Jesa Callen - Anya Talisan
Becknar Gear Jr (Buck) - Mithrandir2k (Dr Gear)
LAURA - created by Mithrandir2k (Dr Gear), written later by Mum2Nikki
Daniel Dixon - DDix1
F'Tel - created by Mithrandir2k (Dr Gear)
Ethan Lysander - NathanChv
Admiral Connolly-Grier - Anya Talisan
Alara Keeves - Anya Talisan
Nick Johnson - by writer under the same name, and some scenes by Anya Talisan
Terah Callen - Anya Talisan
Alexander Drake - by writer under the same name
James Levin - GIJoe88704
Victor Tyne - Jacob Matthew

Chapter 2
Jesa Callen - Anya Talisan
Becknar Gear Jr (Buck) - Mithrandir2k (Dr Gear)
Victor Tyne - Jacob Matthew
Nick Johnson - by writer under the same name, and some scenes by Anya Talisan
Stephi - created by Mum2Nikki, some scenes written by Anya Talisan
Terah Callen - Anya Talisan
Alexander Drake - by writer under the same name
Daniel Dixon - DDix1
James Levin - GIJoe88704
(To Section 11)

Chapter 3
Coming Soon!

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Star Trek: Far Horizons is a fan fiction site that is based on Star Trek which was created by Gene Roddenberry.
Star Trek © is a trademark of Paramount Pictures registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office.
No copyright infringement intended. This site is created, owned, and updated by Anya Talisan.
Any characters in the story not created by Anya Talisan are the property of their respective creators and will be
immediately removed from the story upon request.
Please e-mail before using, reproducing, or borrowing any portion of this site. May the legend live on!