Chapter 2
The Starbase
Simply an Addendum
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Ethan Lysander was pleased as he sat behind a spacious desk in his assigned office. Having already heard about the disaster that was Callen's office, he smiled and looked around. His assigned office was larger than his quarters, in addition to a desk, chair, and shelves behind him, there was a couch with a few chairs, a coffee table, and a replicator. Leaning back in his chair he poked haphazardly at the half-stack of six pads left on his desk, this particular one having to do with the files of the cadets assigned to the Isannah as their final year cadet cruise.

He had only gotten three files into the mix when he heard the door chime. "Come in," he said simply, placing the padd back onto the desk.

As the door to the corridor out side slide shut Ethan looked up straight into the face of Jelandra Gear. "Jelly...." suddenly catching sight of her uniform. "what the..." he paused, noting the cadet pip on her collar.

In an almost robotic manner she replied, "Cadet Gear reporting for duty sir." With an out stretched hand she offered a PADD.

Quickly trying to regain his composure Ethan reached for the PADD, for the briefest fraction of a second their fingers touched, and Ethan's heart missed a beat. "At ease Cadet," he managed formally. Trying to stall and think Ethan scanned the PADD.

They had gotten close when she was last on the Isannah visiting his brother, but then she had disappeared without any word, leaving Ethan trying to figure out what had happened. Saying that seeing her again in this situation shocked him, was an understatement. But if she was going to play it formal, so would he.

"So Cadet Gear," he started then paused looking up from the PADD, "It would appear you're the sixth cadet to be assigned this my ship." Putting her PADD onto the desk he rose from his chair standing behind the desk he assumed a strict formal tone, hoping to off-balance the cadet, "Cadet, since you are already familar with the layout of the ship I would recommend you present your self to your Section Head as soon as possible. Do you have any questions?"

Jelandra remained silently, and at attention.

"Very well then cadet you are dismissed," he said, nodding to her.

Jelandra turned around and stepped towards the door.

"Jelandra..." Ethan used her first name, resisting the urge to call her by her nickname. "I'm sorry about your brother, Buck and I were good friends, If there's..." Ethan's words were cut short when a puzzled looking Jelandra interrupted.

"Buck? He's not dead." She laughed slightly, "Oh god, you didn't know?"

Ethan couldn't help but blink at her, descending into a state of confusion. He only shook his head.

Jelandra continued "He's been on special assignment. I'm sorry I thought you knew."

Dazed and off-balanced, Ethan slowly sat down behind the desk and after almost a minute of silence a slight cough reminded Ethan of Jelandra's presence. "Sorry Cadet, you are dismissed," he said, almost absently.

Ethan remained in a dazed, confused state for almost ten minutes, silently starring at the wall he replayed the whole meeting, time and time again in his mind.

Jelandra Gear, the last time he had seen Jelly was the night before the Isannah had docked with SB118. They had eaten, danced, and had a wonderful time. After so much time together he had almost told her how much he loved her, then the very next day she left the ship without telling him, and disappeared.

Back then before her disappearance he would have sacrificed his career and left Starfleet for her. But now, she was Starfleet. Any thing he did or said now, would not only risk his career, but hers as well. There was Terah, Jesa's sister, who he had known for only the last week, while it may not be love Ethan could not deny that he felt alive in her presence.

As much as he felt for Terah, he knew his heart still belonged to Jelly, but given the present situation Ethan had no way to know how Jelly felt. And on top of all of this Buck was alive, probably his closest friend aboard the Izzie... was alive.

'Does Jesa know?'

Loaded: 05.12.2004

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