Chapter 2
The Starbase
Tyne, Meet Johnson
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:: Corridor, USS Isannah

'It is a gamble.' Jesa thought, standing just outside of the room Johnson was hard at work in. She had just returned to the Isannah from the base, ready to pilot the ship out for the last time. But there was an introduction that needed to be taken care of. And Jesa, being tired and running on sheer emotion, figured this time to be as good as any as getting it done.

Behind her stood the taller figure of Victor Tyne, and if Jesa didn't know any better she would have said that the look in his eyes was almost worried. She, herself, wanted this to work out. And she felt odd to notice she wanted him to find a home on the Isannah, just as she had. Looking back at him, she smiled slightly, a genuine smile she could not have given before earlier that night. "Wait out here, please. I'll talk to him first."

He nodded in acknowledgement and shifted slightly. She opened the door and was amused to see Johnson hip deep inside some panel, reaching for a connector that he couldn't quite reach. The Commander entered and the door shut behind her, Johnson still didn't acknowledge her presence. "Lieutenant." Jesa said calmly in a normal tone.

Johnson hit his head on the control deck above as he slowly backed out of the small compartment. Jesa winced at the impact, hearing it. As he withdrew, he was rubbing his bruised head; she didn't blame him.

"Sorry I'm trying to get a direct console link to the main computer core. What can I do for you?" He asked, turning around.

Jesa smiled slightly. "Could you use some help? In the form of an Assistant Chief Engineering Officer, perhaps?"

Johnson's eyes lit up. "If you could make that wish come true I would be your number one admirer right now."

The CO almost laughed with Johnson's show of delight, almost like a child given a new toy. She almost returned 'I'm sorry, that spot is taken right now', but remembered she couldn't say anything... Jesa simply smiled. "Yes, I can, but... there is something you do need to know first."

Johnson's face darkened. This was the bit he was waiting for, the 'catch'. "If it involves manually cleaning the waste disposal system I'll pass."

Jesa chuckled. "No... and it's not about you, but about him. And no, you don't have to do anything."

"Okay, but if I'm not going to like it I don't want to know." he said with a smile.

Jesa's eyes narrowed slightly, and she thought for a moment. "It's not a matter of wanting, it is simply something that you need to be aware of. You will be depending on this man in a crisis, and it is something that you need to be aware of. I thought it would be better to let you know directly than to hear rumors through the grapevine." She almost looked a little miffed at his refusal to accept information offered, though for the life of her, she couldn't understand why.

"Okay, hit me." Johnson returned, his casual manner still in place. Normally it was something Jesa really liked about him, but she wanted him to understand the full weight of depending on this man. "What is he, some kind of master criminal out for revenge on the Federation?" Johnson asked, the smile only somewhat faded.

Jesa stayed silent and solemn long enough to see Johnson's eyebrow raise the tiniest amount in doubt. Then she chuckled, turning serious a split second later. "He is the man that was ordered into my custody by the Federation on the count of Admiral Reston for undefined duration and for unexplained reasons. I have chosen, instead of keeping him locked up, to allow him a position aboard this vessel. He has a great deal of experience as an Engineer."

Johnson sat down half in shock and half in contemplation "So you want me to keep an eye on him then."

"No, that's not your job." Jesa said, wondering if she should react somehow to his shock. Then she decided against it. "Not that I don't want you to be alert, by any means. But it doesn't mean you have to go shadowing him when he mentions having three pickles on a burger and you know he always eats two..." She ended.

Johnson smiled. "Okay, but as long as he knows not to question me, unless he has a damn good reason, and that if realizes that if he screws up, he can go straight back to the brig."

She nodded. "I made that perfectly clear." She paused, "I will ask you from time to time how he is doing, however."

"I would expect that anyway. Okay, I'm game if you are." He said. Johnson trusted her judgment, that was another thing she liked about him. Between him, Lysander, and herself, she knew they were the main backbone of this crew. 'And Buck, of course...' she reminded herself, a smile touching her face at the thought.

Jesa looked at him, serious in a way that struck him as odd. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't game." Then she walked over to the door and opened, it, nodding to someone still outside Johnson's field of vision. A young man, who had a look in his eyes far too old for his age, walked in. His hair was dark and slicked back, and his eyes were the most remarkable shade of green. Jesa and he shared a look for a moment, and she nodded to him.

Slight relief seemed suddenly present with her look. She turned to Johnson. "Lieutenant Nick Johnson, meet Lieutenant Junior Grade Victor Tyne."

Johnson looked the man up and down a few times. Then he stood and held his hand out. "Pleased to meet you."

A million snide comments flashed through his brain, but he casually reminded himself that this was not the time to be rude, he simply mumbled to himself. "Not only do I have to take Starfleet rank again, I'm getting demoted." He grasped Johnson's hand firmly. "Likewise"

Jesa bit her lip, hiding a smile at the mumbled words she was just close enough to hear. He turned and looked at Jesa with a curious expression, clearing his throat. "Commander, may I have a word with you? In private."

She wiped any hint of amusement off her face and nodded. "Of course... Lieutenant." She couldn't help that last word. And she passed a look to Johnson asking him to stay put, the look she got back said that he thought this was going to be a very long day indeed. Jesa walked out into the corridor and waited for Tyne to follow.

He followed her out into the corridor and fixed her with a look of horror and anger. "Wh-why...." He calmed himself and started over. "And I assume you'll expect me to give up this," He thrust the armband out at her "and start wearing brass pips? Maybe even one of those chicken suit uniforms?"

Jesa looked at him calmly, thinking. "It depends on how much you want known, Tyne. This ship operates with a structure, and a standard. Do you think I particularly ally myself with the uniform, or these?" she pointed to her throat. "But this is what the crew is used to, they deal with this. You wanted a position on this vessel... and favoritism I show to you, a, won't be received by them well, b, will put me in a compromising position. I can bend; Tyne, but I can only bend so far. This ship is my responsibility, and regardless to how I sympathize to your position, personally... I have to think of them." She paused a moment. "And don't look at me that way, I know what you are thinking. And yes, I have to be the Commander in thought sometimes, if I am to be the Commander at all... it is not a way I am accustomed to thinking."

He ground his teeth. "You're right of course." He sighed heavily, then looked up at her with a little twinkle in his eye. "You know, I always did cut quite a dashing figure in uniform. And yellow always did look wonderful on me..."

Jesa only smiled, slightly. "Well, at least you're looking on the bright side." She gently touched the edge of his armband. "I understand this means something to you... do not think I don't appreciate that. Okay?"

Victor simply nodded, somewhat amazed the gentleness this woman was showing a complete stranger. He stared at her for the longest time, trying to figure her out. When he felt he was bordering on being rude, he cleared his throat again and asked if perhaps they should rejoin Johnson.

Jesa, on the other hand, was mentally looking at herself, and not recognizing the woman she was seeing. How could she be so... kind and feeling the lack of need for any of the usual posturing... to someone she didn't really know! And certainly someone she had no good reason to trust----except gut instinct. This wasn't the Jesa she knew... was it? She only shook her head, then realized he had said something. "Hm? I didn't quite hear you."

"Your CEO?" She gave him a blank look. "Johnson? He's still waiting for us. Are you okay?"

She smiled a little. "Of course. Sorry. I have had a lot on my mind lately." Jesa turned to reenter the room, but there was something in her step, and in her manner, that told him something had changed recently. For these weren't the emotions she was dealing with last night.

He watched her, noticing subtle changes in the way she acted and caught her arm. "I know you have counselors aboard for this, but if you ever need to talk, I'm willing to listen."

She turned around, and wanted so badly to say something. Jesa had to keep this in, and it was nearly driving her into a mad state of spontaneous jubilation. Then, uncharacteristically, she hugged him.

Suddenly, she remembered herself and pulled herself away, tidying her uniform somewhat. She felt almost ready to scream happily and run around in circles, of course, she couldn't do that. Jesa smiled gently, almost seeming to mentally ignore the conduct she had just displayed. "Thanks. I know..."

He stood there, stiff as a board, trying to recover from the sudden and unexpected display of affection, his eyes wide with shock. Finally, he regained his wits and smiled. Jesa returned the smile, then turned and walked back through the door and into the slightly confused gaze of Johnson, who wondered what the heck that was all about.

Loaded: 04.02.2004

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